Meat Processing & Taxidermy
Meat Processing
Meat processing, taxidermy and personal items mentioned previously are not included in your hunt. It is important to be planning ahead about what you would like to do with your meat and how you are going to get it home. We are affiliated with Wykota Wild Game Processing and they are the main processor for our clients. They do an exceptional job and we highly recommend them! We use them for all of our personal wild game processing needs. Check out their website for more information, they also have Facebook.
If you don’t have someone lined up back home to take care of your taxidermy work we have a good friend, Stephen who is also one of our guides at camp that has his own taxidermy business, Stephen Hoadley Taxidermy. He has done mounts for previous clients and for us personally and we have been very impressed with his work. You can check him out on Facebook and view his website below. Email him here for a quote!

Work by Stephen Hoadley Taxidermy, view more on his website or Facebook page